It is always good to know what potential pros and cons you can expect from approach, method, or tool you would like to use. This article will help you tounderstand Continue Reading
project management
Project Scope Definition – How to play within a playground
Were you running project that was extended and extended to proportions that were not easily to be handled? Rising frustration from never-ending activities with good and improved results but not Continue Reading
How to become a SUPERHERO. Six Sigma vs Lean explained
What is the difference? And why are Lean and Six Sigma used together? Great question. I found a comparison in todays so popular superhero movies. This article covers: Hot news, Continue Reading
DMAIC Process, DMAIC Model – How to successfully use it
There are different approaches how to become a winner. The one I successfully use, and I strongly suggest to use, is called: Lean Six Sigma – DMAIC This article covers: Continue Reading