Sometimes are our customers not returning, due to any reasons, we do not know. To understand that, we do need a small feedback from them.

This article covers:

  • What is voice of the customer
  • Customer categories
  • Kano model explained
  • Voice of customer tools
  • Voice of customer survey
  • VOC feedback evaluation
  • Voice of the business
  • Voice of customer template

Hot news, folks. In order to help you as much as I can in your improvement efforts, I have launched non-binding consultation program. I would like to help you with:

  • Lean culture implementation in your organization
  • Six Sigma projects consultations
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First 30 minutes of consultation for free, every additional 1 hour 10 USD.

What is voice of the customer

Voice of the customer is a free and easy tool that can help you to collect information how clients visiting your business are seeing you. It can be both. Positive or negative. Key is to understand their wishes and make changes towards their needs, to keep them satisfied and coming back to you.

Let me briefly explain how to get fast and valuable customer opinion for any process, you would like to improve. Or any business you are planning to grow.

DMAIC tool list developed by practise- read here

Kano model example

There are two customer categories. One who comes to the store spent his money. The other can be your colleague on following process. Both must be treated the same way, because we are influencing their lives by our product or process quality.

Both customer categories must be treated the same way. because we are influencing their lives by our product or process quality. So now, think about, what are your customers or colleagues real expectations. and what kind of delighters you can give them.

There are two kind of needs, based on Kano model analysis. Musts and delighters, with a direct relations between customer need and satisfaction. So, as much as we fulfill customer needs, his satisfaction is growing.

Musts are ones, that are taken as granted, ones, we do not even think about too much, like our safety, or kitchen cleanness in a restaurant.

Delighters are not expected, so when customer receive it, is surprised and pleased. It can be something extra, like unexpected discount, or small candy at your hotel room pillow. Customer satisfaction is not influenced, when no delighter received. But if received, it can positively influence his opinion.

Both expectation are perceived in parallel with client basic need. Basic need is why he entered your store, like to buy something.

There is directly proportional relationship between fulfilling of needs and satisfaction. So as much as you fulfill customer wishes, his satisfaction is growing.

How to develop Fishbone diagram? – read here

A3 report template

Great tool to report out you project progress:

  • A3 form Excel template
  • Restaurant example – filled A3 report (above used pictures)
Blank A3 problem solving report – Excel template

To download entire A3 report template –click on the link below

Voice of customer tools

Kano model in six sigma is used within voice fo customer analysis. Principles described above are implemented in this tool. Importan think is to understand needs and react on them.

There are two ways to recognize customer wishes:
Active way: you ask customer verbally, by survey or market research
Or Passive way: from complains and warranty claims

Ideally evaluate both options but, being more proactive can earn more credits in customers eyes and here is where voice of customer take its place.

Here are VOC steps:

  • Define specific survey or questionnaire focus
  • Create survey
  • Ask for customer experiences
  • Evaluate survey
  • Improve pains
Visit my youtube for video.

Voice of customer survey

Think about your specific questionnaire focus, first. You do not want to have wildly spread questions. Narrow your question towards your specific interest. When you lead a project, ask about specific pain you are addressing. Decide to use paper, electronic or verbal survey.

Create easy survey, quickly fillable that person will not spend more than 2 maximum 5 minutes by filling. Use two type question. Yes or No questions or using 1-5 scale is a first type. Give a space to use own words, too.

Make sure, customer understands, why you are asking for opinion. Explain your reasons briefly. Also ask both, positive and negative feedback, when asking customer.

Understand Run chart vs. Control chart differences. – read here

VOC feedback evaluation

To have valuable feedback, you need minimum 10 different answers, but optimum 30. Try to visualize data on charts or graphs. Own worded answers must be transferred to key indicators. Express each sentence by 2 to 3 words. Example from VOC at restaurant: food was great, but I was expected bigger portion of meet. Key indicator could be: portion size.

If there is positive feedback, think about how you sustain it for a future. Create action list with a plan to address negative feedback and make it positive. Do not forget. This can be a team effort. So, involve more people and departments in solution.

And do not jump into the solutions however attractive and tempting it would be. Try to understand current problem, identify your ideal state and create a plan to reach it.

What are the best continuous improvement tools? – read here

Voice of the business

So, what is the difference between voice of the customer (VOC) and voice of the business (VOB)? Principle is the same. There are no differences about theory and approach described above. It is only who are you asking for a feedback

VOC is used to understand paying, the final customer feedback. So, you are asking mainly outside of your organization.

VOB is to understand opinion inside organization. It can be management, colleagues, upstream processes, different departments, or stakeholders and so on. It is correct wording, but sometimes confusing people do not know this tool very much. Use VOC template attached below for understanding VOB, too.

Voice of customer template

I have prepared a template you can download for free and use. Do not hesitate to use it as a Voice of the business template.

I do videos, blog posts, and all templates for free, in my free time. I will appreciate if you can donate me a cup of cofee, for more energy in my creation. (1 dollar counts, too 😉 Click on this link: I would like to support Erik in his effort

There are two lists in this excel spread sheet. First one is for your preparation. Second is for customers. You can print it or send it electronically. As you need.

You will define your own questions, type of rating, and one positive, one negative open question.
All pre-defined will be automatically updated in customer survey list. Print it or use it electronically.

I suggest to keep questionaire easy to understand and fill. Use maximum 5 rating questiions. Two open question max. One for positive, one for negative feedback.

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Take a look into my YouTube channel, where I post project-oriented explainer videos regularly. I can help you understand Six Sigma, Lean principals easy and fast way.

Do not be afraid of using lean. It gives us logic and proved approach to improve processes, our lives and surroundings.

Your sincerely Erik

Check out video explaining Takt time, Cycle time and Lead time

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