The best White Belt and Yellow belt?- 21 companies review

this article covers

  • When to choose Six Sigma white belt certification
  • When to choose Six Sigma yellow belt certification
  • Criteria for choosing Lean Six Sigma training
  • Lean Six Sigma Companies Results review
  • Download 21 companies review

When to choose Six Sigma White belt

Prior we jump into 21 lean six sigma training and certification companies review, Let me explain when white belt, and yellow belt training will suits for you.

White belt training can be good for those, who does not know too much about lean six sigma method. It would be great for those, thinking to invest time and money to get higher certification degree. Like Green belt, or black belt.

If you go through White belt training, you will:

  • understand lean six sigma basics, like history and high level background and how it fits to any organization.
  • Learn various methodologies to improve your processes, like DMAIC, kaizen, continuous improvement.
  • Learn to make small improvements around you.
  • Understand roles in project management, like who is sponsor, stakeholders, project leader and so on.

I suggest train all employees minimally on white belt, to embed lean six sigma method into your organization.

what you will know after Yellow belt training

How to perform Kaizen event? (+guidance) – read here

When to choose Six Sigma Yellow belt

Yellow belt course will give you:

  • Six sigma and lean methodology basics and how it fits to any organization.
  • Deeper Explanation what is DMAIC, Kaizen.
  • some basic tools, like PDCA, Charter, Pareto, 5S understanding.
  • Lean six sigma Benefits to the business by addressing opportunities.
  • Basics to be helpful member in six sigma projects.

I suggest training group leaders, small team leaders on yellow belt. It will help to encourage people in that group, to run small improvements, to make work life easier.

Do this prior LSS training

Why is Lean and Six Sigma used together? – read here

I do videos, blog posts, and all templates for free, in my free time. I will appreciate if you can donate me a cup of cofee, for more energy in my creation. (1 dollar counts, too 😉 Click on this link: I would like to support Erik in his effort

Criteria for choosing lean six sigma training

First, I need to highlight, that this is non-sponsored research. Nobody influenced me. It is purely my point of view on reviewed companies.

There are plenty of companies providing different types of lean six sigma trainings. One can be confused which company to choose, right?

So, here are 21 companies providing these methods courses. But not all of them are providing all scale of trainings. there are some having just green belt, or black belt training. I left these companies also in the table for having larger overview.

This research is focused on online training. I like advantage of self-paced training not relying on others. But there are other options, if online is not your preference.

This is how review looks like: first 13 companies out of 21

How to become the best green belt or black belt? read here

Data provided are from October to November 2021. So might slightly deviate during a time.

First section of created table is company name, websites link, and logo.

Next to it, is a price for the certification. Majority prices are in dollars, but you find there also in another currencies. Fortunately, there are companies providing white belt training for free. Yellow belt training is always paid.

There are companies proposing certifications only. With options of different training providers or textbook and printed material. Training price is not included.

This is how review looks like: 14-21 companies

Following is info if training provided is online or classroom. Then expected duration, and access time for time limits for training, or certification.

H column describes exam requirements. Research is focused mainly on English language. but there are companies providing training and certification in other languages on top of English.

Companies are providing some specialty, I have put to the note here too.

Do this after LSS training

How to be successful with Six Sigma training? (+ guidance) – read here

Green belt project selection – calculator

I recommend you testing project idea on project calculator, I have developed based on my training experiences. It will help you to determine, how demanding leading project will be for you.

THis is how my calculator looks like

Selection tool downolad

You can download selection tool on the link below:

Leans Six Sigma companies results review

None of white belt or yellow belt training requires project to run. Which I understand. But I encourage you to run some small improvement right after the training. It can be shelf or cabinet better organization.

All trainings descriptions, as I tried to read them all, are promising high level training. There might be differences in approaches on providing information. But, I would not be worried to choose the cheapest company.

Free white belt course and certification providers are: Six sigma Online, The Council for Six Sigma Certification, and Management and Strategy institute.

The cheapest yellow belt training providers are: Six sigma institute for 49 US dollars, Reed Courses intermediary company for 20 pounds. Little more pricy are: the lean six sigma company for 95 USD, Go Lean Six Sigma, SIX SIGMA GLOBAL INSTITUTE, Management and Strategy institute all 3 for 99 USD.

the cheapest organizations

TOP 11 Green belt and Black belt certification companies review

I would like to repeat, this is no sponsored research. If I would invest in the lean six sigma online training and certification, I would choose one or another provider for sure.

Hope this research helped you with choosing right training for your needs. Let me know your experience with six sigma training. Is you preference online, or provided in classroom?

Download 21 companies research

You can download this list on my blog on the link below. There are also other helpful lean six sigma tools for your usage. Use it, share it.

To download Excel research review click link below:

I do videos, blog posts, and all templates for free, in my free time. I will appreciate if you can donate me a cup of cofee, for more energy in my creation. (1 dollar counts, too 😉 Click on this link: I would like to support Erik in his effort

Do not forget to visit and subscribe my YouTube channel. I upload short explanatory videos on Lean Six Sigma topics, and tools regurarly.

Do not hesitate to post your comments, questions, or themes you are interested in.

Yours sincerely Erik

check out my video about this research

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